猫窝私语 — Makumo's Blog


@玛酷猫17 年前


I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust

周末把CSI第7季看完了,贯穿了整个季的微型模型杀手Natalie终于出现在观众面前。而这首个就是最后疯了的Natalie一直念叨的,也是她父亲在Cloe死后一直念叨的。搜索了一下,它是1909的一首歌,名字叫做I’ve Got a Pain in My Sawdust,似乎欧美国家许多女孩小时候妈妈都将之作为童谣念给她们听。歌讲述的是关于一个商店里的洋娃娃突然开口说自己的身体不舒服,于是就被送到医院去了,医生也无能为力,只好把洋娃娃身上的线都拆了下来,但他们却不知如何安装回去,娃娃就这样哀嚎着死去了……

纵观CSI:LV篇的7季,感觉第7季是最好的,首先就是这个MCSK(微缩模型连环杀手)穿插于整季戏,使得整部科学严谨的故事变得悬念重重,每一次罪行,都令观众有一种“耳目一新、叹为观止”的感觉。成为继“米兰达”和“蓝漆杀手”之后又一经典SK(serial killer)。



最后附上I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust的歌词,歌比较难找,以后找到了也一起附上。


I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust
w. Henry Edward Warner m. Herman Avery Wade
A little bisque doll and a little rag doll
And a dolly imported from France
Were sitting one day on the shelf of the store
With a doll that could wind up and dance;
When all of a sudden the shopkeeper heard
A scream that rang out thro’ the store,
And this was the plaint of the little bisque doll
That made such an awful uproar;
I’ve got a pain in my sawdust,
That’s what’s the matter with me;
Something is wrong with my little inside,
I’m just as sick as can be.
Don’t let me faint, someone get me a fan,
Someone else run for the medicine man,
Ev’ryone hurry as fast as you can,
I’ve got a pain in my sawdust.
They took her away in a hospital van
And the whole town was filled with the blues,
For ev’ryone thought it was quite an odd thing,
And the papers all printed the news;
The surgeons looked wise and they all shook their heads
And asked her just where she was sick;
“I think it’s ‘appendisawdust’,” she exclaimed,
“And won’t you please do something quick ”
I’ve got a pain…
Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll,
For they cut all her stitches away,
And looked for the seat of the terrible ache;
“‘Twas a delicate task,” they all say,
For none of the surgeons had ever before
Performed on a dolly’s inside,
They tried to restuff her but didn’t know how,
And this was her wail as she died;
I’ve got a pain…

I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust

@玛酷猫17 年前



1952年1月19日–验尸官Al Robbins出生

1953年3月1日–凶杀组Jim Brass出生

1956年8月17日–Gil Grissom出生

1961年–Gil Grissom父母离婚 具体日期不明(Gil Grissom是家中第五个孩子)

1962年–Gil Grissom 做化学试验差点把房子炸飞

1963年3月26日 — Catherine Willows出生

1970年10月10日 — Warrick Brown 出生

1971年8月18日 — Nick Stokes 出生 美国德州Dallas市

1971年9月16日 — Sara Sidle 出生 加拿大

1975年5月7日 — Greg Sanders 出生

1977年 — Warrick Brown母亲过世, Warrick Brown和他的祖母生活在一起

1978年 — Gil Grissom 成为洛杉矶历史上最年轻的验尸官,时年22岁

1979年 — Catherine Willows 16岁时离开家乡来到西雅图(Catherine出生和成长在Las Vegas.)

1980年 — Catherine Willows回到Las Vegas

1980年 — Nick Stokes 被一个临时保姆性虐待 那是他才9岁

1982年 — Greg Sanders 得到了他的第一套化学工具包

1986年 — Gil Grissom 加入Las Vegas犯罪实验室

1987年9月18日 — Catherine Willows最好的朋友 Stephanie Watson被害, Catherine 这时还仍是一个舞女

1989年 — Sara Sidle 到哈佛大学读理论物理学.

1989年 — Nick Stokes 成为大学里的兄弟会一员

1993年3月– Sara Sidle 同Ken Fuller一起加入空中俱乐部.

1994年 — Catherine Willows的女儿Lindsey Willows 出生

1997年 — Warrick Brown加入CSI

2005年 — Warrick Brown结束单身生活,结婚日期不明~


@玛酷猫17 年前



AFIS —- 自动指纹识别系统 Automated Fingerprint Identification System
ALS —- 多波域光源灯Alternative Light Source (它是用來方便鉴证人员能夠看見那些普通光源下看不見或看不清楚的证物,像精斑、指纹等等,蓝,绿光源)

BDD—- 身体变形性精神障碍 Body Dysmorphic Disorder

CHH —- 软骨毛发发育不全 Cartilage Hair Hypoplasia (CSI:LV S3E04)
COD —- 死因 Cause of Death
CODIS—- 联合DNA索引系统 Combined DNA Index System
CPS —— 儿童保护服务处 Child Protective Services

DB——尸体 Dead Body
DFO——紧急突发事件 Done Fell Over or Done Fell Out (医疗上的俚语包括从昏迷,不省人事到心动停止等等事件)
DNA——-脱氧核糖核酸 Deoxyribonucleic acid
DOB——出生日期 Date Of Birth
DUNS: Dead Upstairs Neighbor Syndrome 死者近邻综合症(CSI:LV S3E15)
DWI—-酒后驾车 Driving While Intoxicated

FOS—-治安官之友 Friend Of The Sheriff (CSI:LV S5E14)

GC—–气体色层分析 Gas chromatography
GCMS—–气体色层分析质量分光光度仪 Gas chromatography mass spectrophotometer
GSR—-火药残留 Gun Shot Residue (不要和Grissom and Sara Romance 搞混哦~~)

MO——-作案手法 Modus Operandi (OR: mode of operation)
MVA——汽车事故 Motor Vehicle Accident
MVC—–撞车事故 Motor Vehicle Collision

NCAVC—-国家暴力犯罪分析中心 National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
NCIC—-国家犯罪信息中心 National Crime Information Center

PCR——DNA复制技术,聚合酶链式反应 polymerase chain reaction
PD——-警局 Police Department
P.O.E– 入口处 point of entry (CSI LV S7E21)
PTSD——创伤后应激障碍 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

SAE—–性犯罪证据 Sex Assault Evidence

TOD—-死亡时间 time of death
TRO—-临时禁制令 Temporary Restraining Order

UTL—–无法定位 unable to locate

VICAP—暴力犯罪逮捕计划 Violent Crime Apprehension Program

现在出现频率最高还是 MCSK:微缩模型连环杀手 Miniature Crime Scene Killer


@玛酷猫17 年前


There’s a 419 in CSI!

401 Accident     401A Hit and Run     401B Accident with Injury
401C Accident on private property     402 Fire
403 Prowler      404 unknow           404A 9-1-1 disconnect
405 Suicide      406 Burglary         407 Robbery
407A Robbery alarm                    407B Robbery involving tracking device
407Z Attempted robbery                408 Drunk
409 Drunk driver 410 Reckless driver  411 Stolen motor vehicle
411A Recovered stolen vehicle         412 Misplaced motor vehicle
412B Abandoned motor vehicle          413 Person with firearm
413A Person with knife                414 Grand larceny
414A Grand larceny                    414B Petit larceny
414C Larceny from motor vehicle       414Z Attempted larceny
415 Assault                           415A Assault with gun
415B Assault with knife               415C Assault with other weapon
416 Fight                             416A Juvenile disturbance
416B Other disturbance                417 Family disturbance
418 Lost person  418A Found person   418B Runaway
419 Dead body
419A Drowned person                   420 Homicide
420A Murder      420B Manslaughter    420Z Attempted homicide
421 Sick/injured person               421A Mentally ill person
422 Sick/injured officer              423 See male subject for information
423A See female subject for information   424 Riot
425 Suspicious circumstances          425A Suspicious person(s)
425B Suspicious vehicle               426 Rape
426A Statutory Rape                   426Z Attempted rape
427 Kidnapping                        427Z Attempted kidnapping
428 Child molestation                 428Z Attempted child molestation
429 Indecent exposure                 430 Animal bite
430A Live animal                      430B Dead animal
430C Animal complaint                 431 Found property
431A Lost property                    432 Fraud
432A Forgery     432B Counterfeiting  433 Stolen property
434 Illegal shooting                  434A Illegal dumping
435 Embezzlement                      436 Attempt to locate
437 Keep the peace                    437A Assist citizen(s)
438 Traffic problem                   439 Detail (non-criminal assignment)
440 Wanted subject                    441 Vandalism
442 Airplane crash                    442A Emergency landing
442B Possible plane crash             443 Assist officer(s)
444 Officer needs assistance          444A Panic alarm at metro facility
445 Bomb threat                       445A Bomb
445B Found/abandoned explosives     446 Reference narcotics info./investigation
447 Civil matter                      480 Vehicle out of service
481 Detail       482 Lunch            483 Coffee shop
484 Court        486 Firearms range   487 Out of service – vehicle stop
488 Out of service – person(s)on foot 489 Bar and/or perimeter check
490 Non-specific down time            491 Subpoena/summons
491A Warrant/mental                 492 Prisoner in vehicle (give destination)
493 Investigation/follow-up           494 Out of unit/on portable

There’s a 419 in CSI!