猫窝私语 — Makumo's Blog


@玛酷猫17 年前


I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust

周末把CSI第7季看完了,贯穿了整个季的微型模型杀手Natalie终于出现在观众面前。而这首个就是最后疯了的Natalie一直念叨的,也是她父亲在Cloe死后一直念叨的。搜索了一下,它是1909的一首歌,名字叫做I’ve Got a Pain in My Sawdust,似乎欧美国家许多女孩小时候妈妈都将之作为童谣念给她们听。歌讲述的是关于一个商店里的洋娃娃突然开口说自己的身体不舒服,于是就被送到医院去了,医生也无能为力,只好把洋娃娃身上的线都拆了下来,但他们却不知如何安装回去,娃娃就这样哀嚎着死去了……

纵观CSI:LV篇的7季,感觉第7季是最好的,首先就是这个MCSK(微缩模型连环杀手)穿插于整季戏,使得整部科学严谨的故事变得悬念重重,每一次罪行,都令观众有一种“耳目一新、叹为观止”的感觉。成为继“米兰达”和“蓝漆杀手”之后又一经典SK(serial killer)。



最后附上I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust的歌词,歌比较难找,以后找到了也一起附上。


I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust
w. Henry Edward Warner m. Herman Avery Wade
A little bisque doll and a little rag doll
And a dolly imported from France
Were sitting one day on the shelf of the store
With a doll that could wind up and dance;
When all of a sudden the shopkeeper heard
A scream that rang out thro’ the store,
And this was the plaint of the little bisque doll
That made such an awful uproar;
I’ve got a pain in my sawdust,
That’s what’s the matter with me;
Something is wrong with my little inside,
I’m just as sick as can be.
Don’t let me faint, someone get me a fan,
Someone else run for the medicine man,
Ev’ryone hurry as fast as you can,
I’ve got a pain in my sawdust.
They took her away in a hospital van
And the whole town was filled with the blues,
For ev’ryone thought it was quite an odd thing,
And the papers all printed the news;
The surgeons looked wise and they all shook their heads
And asked her just where she was sick;
“I think it’s ‘appendisawdust’,” she exclaimed,
“And won’t you please do something quick ”
I’ve got a pain…
Oh, sad was the day for the little bisque doll,
For they cut all her stitches away,
And looked for the seat of the terrible ache;
“‘Twas a delicate task,” they all say,
For none of the surgeons had ever before
Performed on a dolly’s inside,
They tried to restuff her but didn’t know how,
And this was her wail as she died;
I’ve got a pain…

I’ve Got A Pain In My Sawdust