猫窝私语 — Makumo's Blog


@玛酷猫17 年前


There’s a 419 in CSI!

401 Accident     401A Hit and Run     401B Accident with Injury
401C Accident on private property     402 Fire
403 Prowler      404 unknow           404A 9-1-1 disconnect
405 Suicide      406 Burglary         407 Robbery
407A Robbery alarm                    407B Robbery involving tracking device
407Z Attempted robbery                408 Drunk
409 Drunk driver 410 Reckless driver  411 Stolen motor vehicle
411A Recovered stolen vehicle         412 Misplaced motor vehicle
412B Abandoned motor vehicle          413 Person with firearm
413A Person with knife                414 Grand larceny
414A Grand larceny                    414B Petit larceny
414C Larceny from motor vehicle       414Z Attempted larceny
415 Assault                           415A Assault with gun
415B Assault with knife               415C Assault with other weapon
416 Fight                             416A Juvenile disturbance
416B Other disturbance                417 Family disturbance
418 Lost person  418A Found person   418B Runaway
419 Dead body
419A Drowned person                   420 Homicide
420A Murder      420B Manslaughter    420Z Attempted homicide
421 Sick/injured person               421A Mentally ill person
422 Sick/injured officer              423 See male subject for information
423A See female subject for information   424 Riot
425 Suspicious circumstances          425A Suspicious person(s)
425B Suspicious vehicle               426 Rape
426A Statutory Rape                   426Z Attempted rape
427 Kidnapping                        427Z Attempted kidnapping
428 Child molestation                 428Z Attempted child molestation
429 Indecent exposure                 430 Animal bite
430A Live animal                      430B Dead animal
430C Animal complaint                 431 Found property
431A Lost property                    432 Fraud
432A Forgery     432B Counterfeiting  433 Stolen property
434 Illegal shooting                  434A Illegal dumping
435 Embezzlement                      436 Attempt to locate
437 Keep the peace                    437A Assist citizen(s)
438 Traffic problem                   439 Detail (non-criminal assignment)
440 Wanted subject                    441 Vandalism
442 Airplane crash                    442A Emergency landing
442B Possible plane crash             443 Assist officer(s)
444 Officer needs assistance          444A Panic alarm at metro facility
445 Bomb threat                       445A Bomb
445B Found/abandoned explosives     446 Reference narcotics info./investigation
447 Civil matter                      480 Vehicle out of service
481 Detail       482 Lunch            483 Coffee shop
484 Court        486 Firearms range   487 Out of service – vehicle stop
488 Out of service – person(s)on foot 489 Bar and/or perimeter check
490 Non-specific down time            491 Subpoena/summons
491A Warrant/mental                 492 Prisoner in vehicle (give destination)
493 Investigation/follow-up           494 Out of unit/on portable

There’s a 419 in CSI!