猫窝私语 — Makumo's Blog


@玛酷猫17 年前


The Sore Feet Song 虫师片首曲



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歌:Ally Kerr
作词:Ally Kerr

I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousands miles to reach you
And ever gasp to breath, I grabbed it just to find you
I climbed up every hill to get to you
I wandered ancient lands to hold just you

And every single step of the way, I paid
Every single night and day I searched for you
Through sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you

I stole ten thousands pounds, ten thousand pounds to see you
I robbed convenience sotres coz I thought they’d make it easier
I lived off rats and toads and I starved for you
I fought off giant bears and I killed them too

And every single step of the way, I paid
Every single night and day I searched for you
Through sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you
I’m tired and I’m weak but I’m strong for you
I want to go home but my love gets me through

Ally Kerr来自于苏格兰的Indie pop乐队,擅长温柔的吉他旋律与上口的苏格兰传统民谣式曲风相融合。歌曲风格融合了苏格兰传统民谣和清新独立流行风格,延续了Indie一贯的清新吉他风格。

The Sore Feet Song 虫师片首曲